Recording of Cultivating Awareness Within the Land Care and Horticultural Industry
Presented on March 11th, 2021 by Sundaura Alford-Purvis
Over the last few months, we have heard stories about how horticultural and agricultural spaces, especially in urban settings, are experienced by people from diverse backgrounds, and how those experiences can vary based on appearance, cultural background and/or economic situation.
In this session, we circle back to how those experiences are influenced by the work and choices of those of us who are within the horticultural community, sometimes in ways that are not immediately obvious. We also look at how we can seed and nurture some alternative patterns. The content will explore big, systemic shifts, which take time to grow if they are to last, and some more immediate actions and changes that can help alleviate some of the most immediate pressure points.
This session delves into seeding and nurturing change within in our own personal or professional network and within our own work and actions. April's session will look at cultivating more diverse community relationships.
Recordings from the session are posted below
Topic 1
How a historical foundation of control and acquisition continues to influence horticulture and how urban and suburban relationships with gardens, parks and greenspaces can be re-storied around a care and community-based narrative.
Topic 2
How patterns of excluding the common, wild and complex are barriers to both ecological and equity work in urban spaces and ways to weave the work around these topics together so that efforts will support, rather than conflict, with each other.
Topic 3
Some ways to engage with these topics that center what can be done, while avoiding tokenism or the paralysis and burnout commonly encountered by those working toward systemic change.
Closing Notes